Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Friday, June 5, 2009

What inside? huh!

Thanks kepada yg busy body..
sebab ini menandakan korg membaca blog aku..

ngahahah.. panggggggggg~~

ape dalam surat tu??


obviously its not my result.. btw, ade ke aku mention tentang result.. wah, korg je yg pikir surat tu adalah result.. aku tak rase result dorg hantar gune pos.. ahahhaha.. ape la korg ni..

then kenapa aku takut??

becoz I thought there are probability that I might being kicked from the college..
well, u know due to my undone medical checkup..
ahaha.. thats all I'm scared of..

so.. what inside??


nothing interested~~!!

its just a letter of informing their student the date for registration
and the amount we need to pay for next semester..

well~ thats all~ nothing more.. ahahahaha

adakah anda hampa??

wakkakak~ ya nasibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb~~


Naz said...

cheh... buat saspen ajer... ;p

NiZa (' _ ') said...

ahahahah..sengal ko boyak..

NiZa (' _ ') said...

ahahahah..sengal ko boyak..

NiZa (' _ ') said...

ahahahah..sengal ko boyak..