Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tahukah anda?

Tahukah Anda?

"Memakan cili padi dalam keadaan stress
akan lebih cepat untuk mengesan kepedasan
berbanding dalam keadaan happy.."


Mask-roll said...

erk...yeke?? xtau...hehehe

Lina Khairunisa said...

interesting fact. :)

Lina Khairunisa said...
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Hafizah Mohamad said...

Lina & Mas - cuba la.. kihkih ;p

Mask-roll said...

ngah3..pe kater ko cube dl..then ko buat 1 post lg tell us the result tul ke x... ngah3..

Hafizah Mohamad said...

ler mas..
menda ni berdasarkan pengalaman dan pemerhatian aku la..

this is no fact from any other sources..